Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Return of Rapists Rallies Cancelled! (I clicked on the page so you don't have to.)

Here's a screencap and transcription of the message from Return of Kings "author" Roosh V that you can share without driving traffic to his site

"I can no longer guarantee the safety or privacy of the men who want to attend on February 6, especially since most o the meetups can not be made private in time. While I can't stop men who want to continue meeting in private groups, there will be no official Return of Kings meetups. The listing page has been scrubbed of all locations. I apologize to all the supporters who are let down by my decision. "

If you were already planning a counter-rally, go. Odds are pretty good they'll all show up anyhow, giggling about how they "pulled one over" on us by cancelling the public rallies and meeting anyhow.  Turn up no matter what.  Show the world this shit isn't acceptable. If you were going to make a big, visible scene, make it.  If you hired that tuba player, keep them on. Have a fundraiser and donate the money to a women's shelter. Do SOMETHING. Don't waste this momentum. We haven't "won" this one yet. 

Before the whole mess was cancelled, a post discussing private meetings with "higher security" was kicking about:

"The world is moving against us. I’ve gotten reports of over a dozen organized protests at our meeting points.  Dozens more are being organized privately. Since this meetup was never intended as a confrontation with unattractive women and their enablers, I’m moving to save as many of these meetups as I can before Saturday so that men can still meet in private away from a loud, obnoxious, dishonest, and potentially violent mob.
If you take a look at the full listing page, you’ll see that some meetups have had their location removed and have instead been replaced with an email address or two to contact. If you want to attend one of the newly private meetups, send an email to the address(es) proving that you’re one of us. These are the three ways that you’ll be about to do that:
  • If you’ve left a non-hater comment on ROK or using your Disqus account before January 15.
  • If you have an active account on RVF that is at least three months old.
  • If you can provide a screenshot receipt of one of my books (Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, Paypal, etc) that was purchased before January 15."

    (The post then further details how to provide "proof" of being "one of them" that is no longer relavent.)